4 tips to stand out working as a freelance writer

Freelance work has been growing a lot in the market and many opportunities are emerging.

Due to the entire crisis caused by the pandemic, the number of unemployed reached 14.1 million in the 4th quarter of 2020, according to CENSO/IBGE data .

However, many of them found in freelance work a way to start over.

Several professionals seek the Freela Web daily, among other platforms, to register for the opportunities offered by them.

Nowadays, it is possible to find many vacancies looking for self-employed professionals, the competition is great, however, there is room for everyone.

Remote work, due to social distancing, has been adhered to by most companies. As a result, some areas have been standing out and increasing the number of vacancies.

We have separated some of these areas with the greatest demand and opportunities for the freelancer.

Discover the 4 areas with the highest demand in freelance work

Writing and Content Production

Content production is a great ally of companies. Through it, it is possible to create content for websites, blogs, social networks, in order to attract and retain customers.

With the advancement of technology, many companies that were not yet involved with the digital world began to look for this integration.

As a result, the demand for professionals who perform this work has been increasing.

Generally, copywriters are freelancers and control their own schedules and pace of work, these are some of the benefits of the profession, the freedom to conduct it as you see fit and more comfortable.

IT & Programming

The demand for these professionals has been increasing due to companies that need this type of service in order to develop some tool, however, they are not familiar with technology.

Most prefer hiring via services, thus facilitating the hiring of freelancers.

The programmer, most of the time, performs the home-office work, during a certain time agreed between him and the company.


Many companies have been looking for the work of designers, since it is a profession of the future, more and more opportunities are appearing for professionals in this area.

Like any other profession, freelance design needs to be constantly updating itself, taking courses in order to improve itself more and more.

That is, to stand out you need to be following the news. The design profession works hand in hand with technology.

To become a designer, the following courses can be taken:

  • Free and technical course
  • Technologist
  • Graduation

Therefore, regardless of training, effort and dedication are undoubtedly essential qualities for professionals.

Digital Marketing X Freelance Work

Hiring a freelance digital marketing professional has been the option of small and medium-sized companies across the country, since many agencies sometimes end up charging a much greater amount than the budget available by companies.

Therefore, hiring a freelancer, for working from home and having less expenses, ends up becoming a great alternative.

However, due to competition, professionals need to be seeking training regularly. The market is very competitive and there needs to be a lot of professionalism in the work offered and delivered.

In addition, the freelancer, regardless of their field, should always look for secure and serious platforms that guarantee the security of the data provided and, above all, make the payments correctly within the informed deadline.

Freelance work is the professional and personal freedom that many were looking for and now have the opportunity to have.

Editor:  Erika Busnello


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