Connecting professionals…

We are a global platform based in Brazil with over 700,000 users, connecting companies and individuals with exceptional talent in various fields, such as design, web development, writing, translation, marketing, and more.

Our mission is to facilitate the process of finding and hiring quality freelancers, offering a secure and reliable platform for the connection between clients and professionals.

We believe that freelance work offers many advantages, both for clients and professionals. Clients have access to a wide variety of specialized talents, flexibility in scheduling, and cost reduction. Professionals have the freedom to work on varied and challenging projects, as well as the ability to set their own schedule and location of work.

Our team consists of experienced professionals who are passionate about freelance work. We work tirelessly to ensure that the platform is easy to use and meets the needs of our clients and professionals.

Transparency and open communication are key in our business. We value mutual trust and believe that transparency and open communication are essential for creating productive and long-term working relationships.

We appreciate all our clients and professionals for their continuous support and commitment to providing a high-quality freelance platform.

“Transform your skill into freedom: join the freelancers community and achieve your professional success.”

Services marketplace

Publish service ads on our marketplace and sell without needing to submit proposals.

Freelance platform

We have a system that allows you to submit proposals for projects published on our platform.

Home office

We create and update better tools continuously so that you can interact and conduct business.

Financial Dashboard

Manage your sales, send invoices, charge for fixed, customized, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly services, and much more.

We Do

We created a Freelancer platform as a free market for services that allows freelancers to sell their work at a fixed or variable price to meet any demand, work from home and get great deals by offering services to companies or people, always seeking to offer the best tools. and technological resources for our users.

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